Friday, May 14, 2010

How com abortions can't be a form of birth control?

abortions can be a form of birth control, however they should not be a 'preferred' form.

Abortions cause emotional and physical trauma to the lady having the procedure - and as with any medical procedure there is a risk of complications, that could also include death as a result.

Therefor although it should be allowed - education should be used to promote other less intrusive forms of birth control such as contraception.How com abortions can't be a form of birth control?
To some it is. To me, it should be punishable crime. Just because a child lives inside of his or her mother doesn't make them any less human and alive. It literally makes me nauseated to hear the excuses pro-abortionists (sorry, you're not ';pro-choice';- you either approve abortion or you don't) use to justify murdering innocent children. I understand that not everyone can support a child, I understand that not everyone is cut out for parenthood- I just wish that they would consider adoption. I personally know several people that can't have children that would love to adopt. I would adopt a baby if someone came to me and told me that they wanted to have an abortion- every child has a purpose on this planet- if they didn't, God wouldn't have created them. If I have offended some of you, so sorry. There are enough people in this world that are so scared of hurting someone's feelings that they can't speak the truth. I am not one of those people. You may not agree with me- I don't expect everyone to. But I do believe that deep down, every one of the pro-abortionists know that abortion is murder- admitting that would take away their excuses, though, so they keep telling themselves it's ok. It's not.How com abortions can't be a form of birth control?
For some women it is already.
There are better methods that are less stupid and healthier than abortions. Abortions are not for birth control.

Abortions are only for rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother (including little girls).
Technically it is a form of birth control because it...well controls birth.

The medical reasons why it would be bad is the risk of complications that could happen during an abortion. Plus, it isn't the wisest and most cost effective way of preventing babies.
It's easier to use another form of birth control. Abortions are very hard to deal with physically, mentally, and morally. A women may lose her fertility from repeated surgical abortions and not be able to have children when she is ready for them. I have never had an abortion, but I hear it is a pretty humiliating experience, lots of questions beforehand, being put up in the stirrups, opened up, and vacuumed out. There is much bleeding and painful cramps afterwards. There are so many good choices for birth control now that an abortion should be the very last resort if your other bc method failed and an unplanned pregnancy resulted. Plus you should always wear a condom, even if the girl is practicing birth control to protect yourself from STDs or if her birth control fails. Many people oppose abortions. If you cause an unplanned pregnancy and your girlfriend decides she doesn't believe in abortion, you could have to pay child support for the next 20 years. It's always best for the man to be proactive and use his own birth control, even if the woman is also using it. Better safe than sorry!
They are! Since there is no birth therefore it is birth control. Contraception is better for your body. That's all.
what planet are you from?
Generally speaking, ';birth control'; is thought of as being preventative. Abortion does not prevent pregnancy, it kills an already living human being. Take a look at:

Photos of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:鈥?/a>

A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:鈥?/a>

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Pain Perception in the Unborn:鈥?/a>
cause it just isnt... its not preventing the pregnancy, its killing the child thats already concieved! condoms and birth control pills and the depo shot etc PREVENTS the sperm from even entering so thats controlling not killing the child...
It's boirth prevention.

Birth control is stopping conception in the first place
Because it's murder!!!!!!!!!!!
Cuz its murder. Cuz you should not be stupid enough no get pregnant witha helpless wonderful child if your not ready. GROW UP!
you've got to be crazy right? how would you like a vacuum stuck up there every couple of months just to find out you have so much scarring from having so many abrtions that you can no longer have children permanetly. that is just so morbid and wrong to do. there are much better methods like condoms and abstinence.
Because it would be incredibly sick, not to mention inconvenient. Abortion should be, as one of the other answerers said, reserved for the more extreme cases such as rape and teenage pregnancy. Abortion consists of sucking out a live human being, murdering them. I'm not sure about in other countries, but in mine it can be performed up until the end of the 1st trimester - and while an embryo perhaps doesn't look much like a baby, a foetus toward the end of the 1st trimester has already formed little fingers and toes with fingernails on them, and little eyelids...
If you are not bright enough not to let you mans baby jelly reach your eggs, you prob should not be having sex. When you let a doctor chop up your baby and suck him out, you will always wonder what you could of had.
They are, silly. =)

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