The side effects of my pill are getting too serious for me, and I'd rather not be on it at all. But, my husband and I aren't planning to have kids for a couple more years... I've heard you can use charting (of your cycle) for not only finding out your most fertile days, but also as birth control. Anyone have any comments/suggestions? Thanks!Charting: has anyone successfully used it as a form of birth control?
Charting is the most affective form of natural birth control. No form of birth control is 100% effective, except abstinence, but charting is excellent.
BBT monitoring tells you when you have ovulated. Excellent for those who are trying to become pregnant to know that their body has done what it is supposed to do. But what you need from charting is the signs that show you are about to ovulate. Cervical mucus and cervical position can tell you if/when you are apt to ovulate. I would suggest that you use full charting for a few months, just to confirm when you are apt to ovulate and to learn the signs and symptoms. Than, once you get a handle on it, you can drop the confirmation of ovulation.
What ever you do, do NOT go with the idea that you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle! I am in the process of writing a 'fertility workbook' and I can tell you that this is the most effective 'natural' form of birth control. I used charting while trying to become pregnant, I also now use it to make sure I don't!Charting: has anyone successfully used it as a form of birth control?
Charting can be effective if you are using the basal thermometer and spend enough time to get a good idea of how your cycles vary. I would certainly use backup until you feel that you have a handle on your cycles and possibly even after you become very familiar with them. But done the right way, you should be able to get off the pill.
We used it. I am like you-I can't stand hormones and what they do to me- so for us- charting worked. How well? These is 9.5 years between our son and daughter by choice....we just used charting to not get pregnant. My cycles are very regular- every 30 days- and it did wonders.
Use caution though. I don't think I am as fertile as most- so if you seem fertile- be careful.
Not true. You can ovulate at different times during your cycle, especially if your cycles are abnormal. You can avoid intercourse during the middle of your cycle, which is when you are most likely to ovulate, but it isn't a perfect method of birth control. Due to hormone fluctuations and stress, you can ovulate earlier or later. Just use condoms or use mirena IUD, which can be placed by your doctor and removed when you are ready to have kids.
Charting never worked for me! It's to stressful. You sound like me when you say you don't want to be on birth control. Anyways I have 3 kids and I'm 21 and we don't want anymore, well I got an IUD-intrauterine device. Have you heard of that before? Do some research on it. It works great! Considering the patch and the pill never worked for me.
First off let me say that I have longer and irregular cycles and my husband and I use natural family planning and I just love it! I learned how from the book ';The Art of Natural Family Planning'; from the Couple to Couple league. The book I bought came with a kit that included a Basel thermometer, a chart book, the huge how-to manual and three loose leaf charts that you can send in and get help with interpreting your fertility. The whole thing cost about $75.
Keep in mind that the CCL is a Catholic organization, so the book is written from Catholic perspective (i.e. there's a whole chapter on why every other form of unnatural birth control is WRONG). But it is very thorough and goes over multiple methods of check fertility so that you can cross check and have a very good idea of when you are fertile. When used correctly, it is 98% effective, which is about the same as oral contraceptives.
For me it helped with conception. So I guess it could work in the reverse. I was off birth control for 2-3 years without getting pregnant. Then when we started to chart, I got pregnant within 2 months.
cycles can change and
stress and hormones can affect your cycles..
sperm can live 5-7days inside you so theres No Way charting is not a form of birth control at all.
just talk to your doctor about a New birth control method. if the pills been bothering you.. you should of consulted your doctor.
We've used it sucessfully. I tried the patch first, but it gave me weird side effects too, like headaches, horrible mood swings, painful periods, and bad circulation in my legs (which still hasn't gone away). So I tell anyone asking me about birth control to get off anything hormonal. We did charting and it worked really well. We just used condoms for the fertile days (which is better than having to use them all the time). And once we wanted to get pregnant, it only took us 3 days. With the hormonal birth control, sometimes it creates problems with getting pregnant. I would definitely recommend charting. Oh, and just to be safe, we also made sure we used condoms about 4 days before and 4 days after my charted ovulation days since periods can vary. It came out to be about 2 weeks of using condoms per month, which we're fine with. Good luck!
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