Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is birth control pills a form of abortion?

Is birth control pills basically abortion? my friend want me to buy these pills for him and a girl, and i don't want to if is abortion.Is birth control pills a form of abortion?
Birth control pills prevent birth in three ways:

1) They usually prevent ovulation. That means that most months the woman's ovaries do not release eggs. Some months they do.

2) They thicken cervical mucus, which can keep sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing an egg that does get released.

3) They change the lining of the uterus to prevent fertilized embryos from implanting. This means that if an egg is released and is fertilized by a sperm so that an embryo is formed, the embryo is killed because it can't find a place to attach.

So, if you believe that life begins at conception, birth control pills cause abortions.Is birth control pills a form of abortion?
Actually, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception from the uterus, according to a medical definition. So, intentional prevention of implantation is abortion. Lots of women would rather be ignorant of that fact, but choices should be informed.

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No. Birth control pills are a form of contraceptive. If you are already pregnant and take birth control pills they very rarely have any effect on the pregnancy as far as terminating the pregnancy. Even taken properly they can't really be considered a form of abortion as they work by preventing ovulation and preventing pregnancy from happening in the first place and the definition of an abortion is the ';termination of pregnancy.'; If there's no pregnancy to begin with then there can't be an abortion.
Both Plan B and hormonal birth control pills prevent pregnancy by delaying (in the case of Plan B) or preventing (in the case of HBC) ovulation from occurring. If ovulation does not occur at a time when sperm are present then fertilization and subsequent pregnancy cannot occur. Neither BC nor Plan B will do anything to affect fertilization that has already occurred.

Plan B can be taken after unprotected sex. It delivers a large dose of hormones that shock the ovaries into thinking they have already ovulated. This gives any sperm that are present time to die before the hormones work their way out of the woman's system and allow the ovaries to wake up and realize they need to ovulate.

If she has already ovulated when the unprotected sex has occurred then Plan B will not do anything to prevent or terminate the pregnancy.
So I don't agree with any of these posts... And I have personal experience. My reasons are these:

1. Some birth control methods (ex. Nuva Ring) don't stop sperm from fertilizing an egg, they stop the fertilized egg from being implanted, so in my humble opinion, they are a form of VERY EARLY abortion.

2. Some birth control methods (pills like Alese, or POP pills) stop the sperm from fertilizing an egg, so in my opinion, these methods of birth control are not abortion.

3. The Plan B pill, could be a form of abortion if the female's egg is already fertilized, but will do no harm if there is not embryo...

I did not know that some birth control methods allow a woman's egg to be fertilized, and hate the idea of it. I have used these kind before, and wish I had been more educated on the subject. The bottom line is this: if you aren't comfortable with the situation, you have every right to tell your friend no. Condoms are readily available for everyone.
You can't buy birth control pills over the counter. I think you're talking about the morning after pill (called ';Plan B';). It is not a form of abortion, but cannot be used by women who are already pregnant. It only prevents a woman who has had unprotected sex, or has experienced failure of another form of birth control, from becoming pregnant.
birth control WILL NOT abort a pregnancy. birth control PREVENTS ovulation, therefore preventing fertilization and implantation of a zygote.

if you're referring to the PLAN B or MORNING AFTER pill, then they can take it IF the sex happened within three days. this pill prevents fertilization OR implantation of a zygote. a pregnancy DOES NOT occur until implantation. no implantation means no pregnancy. and you can't abort unless there is a pregnancy.

would you rather they prevent a pregnancy to begin with or have to wait until she is pregnant to abort the pregnancy?

however, it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what they do. what gives you the right to tell them what they can and cannot do?
it's not abortion it stop a women from getting pergnant so abortion wont happen. it stops a women from ovulating and if a women cant ovulating she cant get pregnant it's a form of protect so to speech like a condom BUT it does not stop STD it only provents a women from getting pregnant so she should you use both
I don't think its abortion because technically tou are not killing a baby you are just preventing the baby from happening. In my opinion they aren't a form of abortion!
Technically, no. Plan-B could be considered an abortion, however.

Are you by any chance Catholic? Just wondering.

abortion kills babies.

but the pill just prevents them from being created in the first place.

you cant destroy something that was never created.
No it prevents a pregancy from even occuring. Plan B does the same thing so it cannot be considered abortion either.
No birth control prevents pregnancy, abortion destroys the baby when you are pregnant.

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