Should people that want an abortion have used an alternate method of birth control?
I realize that not all birth control methods are not 100% reliable but at a 98% (excluding the rhythm method) or better, shouldn't there be fewer abortions?
No, I an not nazi enough to think that teenagers should not be allowed access to birth control without parental consent.Should abortion be a form of birth control?
Um, duh. It is a form of birth control already. You mean, a regularly used form of birth control. I say, yes. The anti-choice movement does not care about the quality of human life. They just want to have control over women's bodies. Otherwise, why don't they care about what happens to the children after they are born? Why don't they take care to ensure that children are born when they are wanted to people who can take care of them? Why don't the work on taking care of mothers and treating them well? The anti-choice movement doesn't care for you or your baby after it is born, only as long as it can be used for political purposes.
Why don't you trust women to make a choice about their own bodies? Most women who have abortions already have one or more children and can't afford to take care of another one, and many of them had birth control that didn't work. Shouldn't every child be in a family that can provide it with love, food, clothing, and shelter?
People say, ';Just give it up for adoption.'; It's not just that simple to carry a child to term and have it. Many women have lost their jobs when they have to take maternity leave, especially poor women of color. It also can endanger women's health, and why do you want to punish these women for having sex? It's not about the child, as you can see from the comments (take away her vagina and such)- people want to punish women for having sex, but not men. Always a double standard.
There should be better sex education focusing on contraception and sexual health instead of this abstinence junk- it doesn't work. I once again ask anti-choicers why they care so much about a fetus before it is born but then couldn't give a f*** to what happens to it later. So yeah, I do think abortion should be available to whoever needs it so we can make sure that every child who is born is wanted and can be cared for properly.Should abortion be a form of birth control?
no...only as a last resort. too many ppl think abortion is an easy medical procedure. it isn't and the emotional toll it takes on some women is most times overlooked. i used to council women on b/c, abortion,adoption, etc. it was very sad. like you i am all for b/c for teens and it is readily available, condoms, pills and such but the problem is not just access its actually using it which sometimes doesn't happen and also no form of b/c is 100% and the percentages are sometimes with condoms...supposedly 98% a search for the real stats its much lower as its all based on use, how its used etc. i know a woman who was in her thirties and had the ring thingy (i can't remember the name right now) and also used a diaphram and still got pregnant. the ring was delivered with the baby...i also had several clients who had multiple abortions and did use it as a form of birth control....the toll it takes on the body physically is great and the toll emotionally is almost worse. i wish there were fewer abortions for alot of reasons for the women and the children.
Abortion is always birth control how ever its never a contraceptive . Some people DO use other forms of birth control it just fails and some dont use any does not mean they want be parents right now in their life though. In some states goverment pays for abortion under certain circumstances
I wouldn't go as far to say that I am Pro-life. I don't like the idea of abortion, but can't honestly say that I don't think that women should have the choice. I just think that too many people are using it as birth control. I also think that people who stand on corners and wave anti-abortion posters with pictures of dismembered embryos should be run over.
No to both.
Of course not. Abortion was never intended for that purpose but sadly sometimes people don't know that.
no....its a form of murder
No, it should never be a form of birth control.
No, government doesn't pay for care that would benefit society more (like weight loss and pain managment) - why should they pay to murder children?
if someone decides to have an abortion then thats fine its there decision , but no i don't think that the government should pay for it,
NO!!! I know girls who do this and they are disgusting. If someone is using abortion as a birth control they should just have their whole vagina removed so they can NEVER have babies.
Maybe... my nizzle.
NO it shouldn't. abortion is murder, taking an innocent life is unacceptable. if your not ready for a child, don't have sex! simply
as that!!
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