Friday, May 14, 2010

Should guys make sure his women is using some form of birth control if he has to wear a condom?

This is the way I see it: you are BOTH responsible for protecting yourselves. YOU make sure you're covered on your end, but it's always a good idea to ask these kind of questions, and while you're at it find out her take on unwanted pregnancy, as well, whether or not she's been tested for STD's, etc.Should guys make sure his women is using some form of birth control if he has to wear a condom?
Unless you want an ';accidental child'; and are prepared to take on all the responsibilities for him/her, do everything you can for your own protection as well as your significant other's. There are many women who trap men by ';forgetting'; their birth control pills, or simply not taking them at all. Tell your partner that you are doing it for your protection. If you leave the birth control to someone else, then always expect the unexpected.Should guys make sure his women is using some form of birth control if he has to wear a condom?
A couple should discuss contraception before they have sex, and make a decision together.

Not all women can take hormonal birth control for health reasons, and some don't agree with it morally, so it's not always an option.

Condoms are fairly effective if used correctly, but no birth control is 100% even when combined so if you're having sex you should be prepared to raise a child.
Guys should ensure that their partners are using birth control and girls should ensure that their partners are using condoms.

Both have to be in place if you want to avoid certain, err...mishaps.

Every person has the right to be informed about something like this if they have a stake in it.
its all the girls responsibility...after all she cant wait to say ';My body my choice'; when it comes to deciding to have the kid so surely if its HER body its HER responsibility, period.

Cant have it both ways...its either all your choice and all your responsibility or its sharred choice and sharred responsibility
Its always wise to use two forms of birth control for added security. If the women is not on the pill, she should use an internal product as a backup measure. Condoms have been known to have pinholes, and/or, they can slip off during rigorous activity.
my husband and I relied solely on condoms before we decided to try to have a baby.

We never had an unexpected pregnancy, and we conceived the first month we tried.

I am not a fan of hormonal birth control.. but each to their own... some women swear by it.. and that's fine too.
Well, if he's wearing a condom she doesn't really need to be using contracpetion, does she? However, if you are worried about the condom failing, then you should suggest that she uses something as well.
No. You don't have to go to a doctor and get a prescription and pay $50 for condoms. She would have to do that for birth control. Plus, it's more her responsibility than yours.
Yes, you really need to take very necessary precaution, and a condom doesn't always do the job.

...and, what if the bag breaks?
Yeah, guys will assume that shes at least not ovulating when shes asking for unprotected sex, truth is most women don't know when they are and are just rolling the dice.
It's a decision to be made between the partners. Surely, there is nothing wrong with being overly cautious, but nothing but abstinence is 100% protection.
Condoms take away from the man's experience, the pill should be the only form of birth control used as sex then feels better for the man.
They shouldn't FORCE her, but it's DEFINITELY a good idea because a condom is not the most reliable thing in the world. It's more or less for safety.
Yes he should ask her and if the answer is no or there is no evidence then he can feel free to not sleep with her.
You can never be too sure.
Condoms are not 100%. If I was I boy I would make sure my girlfriend was on the pill.
That's her responsibility.
Maybe he should be trying to avoid leaving with anything more than a fond memory?
No. But why wouldn't you use protection? With all of these STD's around it would make since to protect yourself.
It would make sense but how many people aer actually going to do that?
what's teh point of that, you might as well not wear a condom
not really. Sex is a rare thing u don't want to piss her off, because she may change her mind
Yes, unless he wants to be a father. Condoms are not 100% effective. I learned that the hard way. Any man who gets with me had better be smart enough to ask if I'm on birth control (I am) and he'd better be prepared to wear a condom too.
You are being need to rely on effective birth control, such as ';pulling out';....or Chuck Norris kicks to the stomach
Scottish, and I suppose it's ';her problem'; if you get an STD?

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