Friday, May 14, 2010

What do you think of the idea mandating a form of birth control in order to receive public aid (welfare)?

To those who can physically tolerate it, such as depo shot, IUD, patch, sterilization as an option for the recipient.What do you think of the idea mandating a form of birth control in order to receive public aid (welfare)?
I love the idea. If you can't support a child, you can't have them. Sounds cold and logical.What do you think of the idea mandating a form of birth control in order to receive public aid (welfare)?
So by your ';cold'; logic we should put every woman on birth control starting from age 13 until those women are either a) married or b) financially well off.

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Although I personally believe you should never have more children than you can support, I wouldn't want the government to tell anyone that. I don't think that the government should have that much control over a person's reproductive rights. And it punishes just the woman -- not the man or men who father the children. Seems grossly unfair. Better to round up all the deadbeat parents and make them contribute financially to the costs of raising a child.
I think I'm glad to live in a nation that has respect for people's fundamental right to control of their own bodies whether they be rich or poor.
I think it is a good idea! Think about it, for every child these families on welfare have, they get more money! So, if the states can cut down on how many families just keep having kids to get more money, then maybe there wouldn't be so many people on welfare to begin with. I am a single mother of 2, and I tried to get WIC jst to help with the cost of formula, milk, and cereal. I do not qualify! If there weren't so many peple receiving welfare, maybe the total income guidelines would be lower, and I could get the little bit of help I could really use. I make enough, but having 2 kids that need clothes, shoes, and diapers(one of them anyhow) plus groceries, rent, utilities... I could use the extra help here and there. But then again I don't know many moms that don't need a little extra here and there.
Ummm no!

just because people have hit a rough spot in their lives doesnt mean you can stop them from having children. Not every person collecting assistance is a baby-making welfare parasite.

Nice generalization though.
You can't have that with the general public, it's not ethical at all. I understand why it's talked about though. About a year ago I worked at a grocery store and a girl came in with her 3 kids and was pregnant with a 4th. She had a friend with her and they were talking as I was checking this girl out, her friend made a comment about her pregnancy and the girl replied with ';yea i probably wouldn't have even kept this baby, but i'm getting too much money.'; i was beyond mad. it's not fair, but it's all too common.
I think it is a good idea, but it will never pass...
I think the best solution is to just disband welfare altogether. If people can't support themselves then why should those who can support themselves be mandated to support non-productive people? That being said, my sister is a single mother who put herself through college and is on housing assistance. I think there definitely should be some sort of welfare reform because it's being overused and abused.
11 years ago I recieved welfare for myself and my first daughter,I think it's a good idea being that I was logical and responsible enough not to continue having children because I was poor.So the ppl that say not everyone on welfare is a baby making machine are correct, and there are ppl who genuinely need the help until they're back on their feet.however there is alot of abuse and by the way blacks and latinos are not the majority on welfare -it's caucasians.

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