Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why do liberals think abstinence is the only form of birth control being taught in the red states?

I grew up in Texas and I remember learning about safe sex with condoms. The box even says they're not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy or transmitting STDs. The teacher also said you have a 0% chance of getting pregnant or getting an STD if you just don't do it.Why do liberals think abstinence is the only form of birth control being taught in the red states?
Great question.

Abstinence shouldn't be the only thing taught to impressionable kids, but saying 'abstinence is unrealistic' is just irresponsible and its just a cop-out politically-correct libs use so they don't 'offend' anyone.Why do liberals think abstinence is the only form of birth control being taught in the red states?
Because the ';red states'; typically don't like sex ed, and they want everyone to live by their ethics. Humans have free will. Kids are going to have sex. Give them all of the info they need to make an educated decision, even if it means handing out condoms. Sure they aren't 100 % effective, but that 99 % effectiveness (that is also stated on the package) is pretty good odds in your favor.
Narrow minded!
Maybe, it's time to compare data between the Read and the Blue States to see the percentage growth of births, especially unwanted births. for the past 6 years! If you do that, then you will find your answer.

Abstinence lecture itself doesn't work to prevent unwanted births! The radical Right Wing Conservative, loud-noise Christian Juggernaughts want abstinence preaching and no condoms or other preventive ways, because they want to see themselves as protectors of illigitimate babies as they do with illegall aliens. They want the illegitimates and the illegals to keep flooding America! They realize they can't expand their 'holy' armies of robots without them!

If the likes of Ted Haggart can't control their hormone problems, despite calling the name of Jesus repeatedly on a daily basis, think that sheer talk to anyone in relation to get them to control their abnormal hormone problems would work? The urge to wanting sexual gratification is in the hormones. Talking to those with uncontrollable hormone mess-ups would be like taking to the walls! They are people living in Disneyland fantasy. instead of facing reality! Their hormones trigger the fantasy and talk don't stop their hormones from getting messed up!

My question for expresses for his comment about marriages: Was there anything in the Bible anout Adam and Eve marrying, or was Mary married before she conceived Jesus? Statistics have shown that wanted and cared for births of parents, married or not, make better citizens than those unwanted ones with unhappy, and messed-up parents, married or not!
True. ALL methods of birth control have a failure rate, EXCEPT for abstinence. It works 100%.

Problem is, many people don't abstain.

All I know is, if I have sex with someoone, I have to be prepared for the possibility that I'll make a baby. If I want to cut the risk to zero, I have to abstain.

I don't like it, but I play the hand I'm dealt.

I do see an awful lot of anti-Red State bigotry here, and I notice that you fight it. Thanks! I'm from the Blue northeast, but ALL prejudice bothers me, especially coming from those professing to be ';tolerant'; and ';inclusive.';
Because your President wants everyone, ';Don't do as I do, do as I say';, that's why. Liberals could care less how you have sex, that is the silliest thing I've ever heard. Some people can up with the weirdest thoughts , do it anyway you want, find it where you want, get it anywhere you can, we don't give a damn. If it feels good , do it.
I live in a red state, and that's the only method that is allowed to be taught, by law.
And your point IS?????

Too many conservatives RESIST universal access to contraception and responsible sex education.

If you were one of the ';lucky ones,'; good for you. That is not the norm.

And like...teens aren't going to have sex, right??

Hey, Sparky, the USA can be so proud that they still have the HIGHEST teen pregnancy rate on the planet, whereas the Netherlands is 1/9 that of the USA. Obviously, this country is doing something right.

They have comprehensive sex education in schools and they allow everyone access to contraception.

The US has a LONG way to go to catch up with the Netherlands...
GOP people are still so sexually uptight.
Oh, well since whatever school you went to did that, it must be true for all current southern schools...

The President pushed a bill for more funds to go to abstinence being taught in schools rather than safe sex. I don't know what the south has to do with it; I think liberals tend to be against that bill being that it doesn't work... You can teach abstinence of course, but you have to teach safe sex too. Teens are gonna have sex, period. You should absolutely prevent it as much a possible, but it's still gonna happen. That's not opinion, it's fact.
I don't think liberals think that. I'm a liberal, and I don't think that.
It's not. ';Abstinence only'; is the only method of teaching currently approved by the administration. School sponsored clinics and other forms of sex ed cannot get federal funding.

I had the same education that you did under Clinton: Abstinence is the best choice, but here are the horrible things that can happen and how to protect yourself, etc.
Abstinence can only be taught as a part of a moral value system that is totally foreign to liberals. The second worse thing you can call a liberal is judgmental (first being racist), this explains their absolutely fictitious idea that you can get pregnant by not having sex(abstinence never works)
They are kings of assumption. If any mention is made that abstinence is actually the best method, they assume that is all that is being taught.
Must be because most of the christian right is now making up the conservative democrat party and believes in marriage before sex.

Does that help pull you head out of the porn industry?

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