Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's your opinion of girls using abortion as a form of birth control?鈥?/a>

I view it as irresponsible.What's your opinion of girls using abortion as a form of birth control?
I think that it should be the woman's choice to get an abortion or not to. But its a choice I don't think I could personally ever make. It shouldn't be used as a birth control however, it should be a last resort. Use condoms or the pill, not just having unprotected sex and thinking, ';Oh it doesn't matter! I'll just get an abortion if I end up being pregnant.';What's your opinion of girls using abortion as a form of birth control?
Abortion has its place in this world. I am glad to see that women are being reasonable with the fact that they may not be ready to be a parent. I am not one to encourage abortion as a form of birth control, however. I know many people who made this choice and it was the right one for them. I have seen too many young parents neglect their child and seen one die of thriving baby syndrome for the neglect of meeting the baby's emotional needs.

For those against abortion, I ask what is your answer to neglected and abused, unwanted babies, children thrown away or even murdered children? At least these women know they are not prepared to devote their lives to raising a child to be an asset to this world rather than a drain on the system: be it welfare, special needs, CPS...
I think it is the women's choice, but to keep using abortion repeatedly is just stupid. Get on the pill for crying out loud. I don't think women or girls realize just how bad they can harm their bodies by having repeated abortions. Also, in the future when they do decide they want to have kids, the abortions could cause complications or even make them infertile. I just think some women are stupid and ignorant, and most just don't care.
That is... stupid. I've got no other word to describe it. If you've had to have ONE abortion in your life, it should be enough to set you straight and stop you from having unprotected sex. It's just proof of how idiotic teenagers are these days.

I mean really, a generic birth control pill would cost them no more than abortions. In fact, it'd probably cost them less, plus they wouldn't be destroying a life. These girls should be ashamed of themselves, and also forced into having their tubes tied IMO. If you kill your own babies, you shouldn't be allowed to create another.
i agree, completely irresonsible. i think the only time when an abortion should be used is if a very young girl eg. 14, gets pregnant and will not be able to care for the baby, if the baby is a result of rape or if the child or mother's health is at risk.

however using it as a form of birth control is unacceptable.
I think it is horrifying. They must have no souls, god forbid that they actually had a child. Poor thing would grow up in that environment with such a person. They should just get their tubes tied.

The gift of life is a blessing.

Jeeze they should either use protection, get on the pill, (free from family planning) or sterilize themselves if they are going to discard babies like garbage
All sinners, murdering fetuses and they will ALL burn in hell!!!

They need to get sterilized!
I view it as extreme. There are far better, safer, more affordable forms of birth control.
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