Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do women use abortion as a form of birth control?

Why don't people men and women use protection before sex?

Instead they would rather kill a innocent child.

and some dummy's will abort at 5 and 6 months pregnant !!

Why don't they use protection?Why do women use abortion as a form of birth control?
I don't know. I think they just use abortion as a easy way out. I think abortion should remain illegal. ABORTION IS MURDER.Why do women use abortion as a form of birth control?
Many people don't like the feel of condoms, and women are in denial that can get pregnant, off birth control.

I was under the impression you can't have an abortion after the 1st trimester. But also, women may not be able to conceive if they've had too many abortions.

I am pro-abortion, but I am also very for safe sex. Abortion should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as if birth control fails, a condom breaks, or a girl is raped.
Using abortion as contraception is extremely rare. For most women abortion is a hard and carefully considered choice. Many abortions are given to women where contraception has failed; women who are on the pill, or have had the contraceptive injection, women who have a contraceptive coil, women whose partner has used a condom which has torn, women for whom the 'morning after pill' has failed. No contraception is 100% and the majority of people do try to avoid unwanted pregnancies. You are very critical, perhaps you are very young with little life experience. I hope you will never be in the position of being pregnant with an unwanted child.
They don't, but this is a common misconception. Not all persons are educated about birth control. Not all persons are prepared when the moment arrives.

It's very easy for us to judge others who have less education, less resources, less information, and less money. It takes education and financial support to be on birth control. Persons in lower incomes do not always have these resources.

I beg of you not to judge others about whom we know so little. Let's try to be inclusive rather than judgmental. Do you think women want to go through an abortion? The few women I know who had to have it done for medical reasons were devastated emotionally afterward.

Your question is so judgmental. Did you intend it to be this way? Did you intend to call people you don't even know ';dummies';? Is that how we should treat persons who are not privileged as we are?

Perhaps you could volunteer somewhere to help care for children. Perhaps this would be a better use of our time rather than sitting in our privileged offices and homes and condemning others who are less privileged than we are.
Abortions are expensive, painful, and rip you apart emotionally. Don't say things like ';women use abortion as a form of birth control'; when you don't know what you're talking about. You can get pregnant even when using protection, maybe you should actually think about things, about the decisions these women have to make. It's not an easy thing to do.
Because they are ignorant and are so focused on the pleasure of sex that they don't think about the consequences until they get a positive pregnancy test. People like that make me sick.

Some women do use protection and get pregnant, and I have nothing against them. Accidents happen. But these women who just open their legs without using condoms or hormonal birth control are nasty.
If you discover the answer to this question, you're likely to be nominated for a Nobel Prize.

No one knows WHY people can't be responsible. And society cannot FORCE people to be there you go.

EDIT - I have NO problem with abortions as a general rule. I DO have a problem with irresponsible people who won't even use a f*cking condom (let alone a REAL form of contraception) and then think, ';Oh, well...I'll just go get it sucked out.';

If people can't be RESPONSIBLE then they shouldn't be having SEX!
I agree that it is just plain cruel to use abortion as a form of birth control. That's just not right. But sometimes, people mess up, you know? Condoms break, birth control fails. And this baby could either be really messed up when it was born (what if the parent was doing drugs, or on a prescribed medication like Acupain (sp?) that would completely mess up their child? I don't know about you, but I'd rather die than live my whole life in a hospital.
there are many reasons for abortions. like some woman don't even know that they are pregnant, then find out and know that they are not ready.. or some people really want a baby but the daddy walks out and the girl knows she cant do it alone. some girls get raped and don't want to keep the baby. sometimes the condoms breaks... i almost had to have an abortion, my doctor said that my body couldn't support the baby and that more then likely i would die in the process, i have another child and didn't want to leave him, i almost died having him as well.... i tried to have the baby and i did, although he was 6 weeks premature.... so its not just stupid girls that don't want to use a condom
I don't think women use abortion as birth control. Abortions are physically and emotionally painful, and I don't think women chose to have them without alot of thought and anguish.

People make mistakes.

Asking this question makes you sound sort of mean-spirited.
Most people do use protection, but it's not 100% foolproof. Thus, the need for abortions.

Abortions aren't even legal at 5 or 6 months pregnant. Get the facts.
Don't be so closed-minded.

What if a ten year old girl gets raped and gets pregnant?

She can't support the child if she can barley support herself.

Now what?
abortion should the best last resort to solve unexpected pregnancy issues. use birthcontrol. use condoms. use the morning after the pill. be smart ensure yourself and future chuld a better life.
because people dont plan ahead..

or sometimes things go wrong, like they forget a BC pill, or a condom breaks or something
thats just how it is

sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do
i agree with you.. im against abortion as well.. but i guess sometimes even thought it is protected it not 100% safe and does not work ALL the time.. this could be why they would wanna abort??
Because their sto0pid
I don't think their are a lot of women who use abortion as a form of birth control. I think this is an argument pro-life, anti-abortion advocates like to use as propaganda. While their may be some women who do this, it is far more likely that many women who have abortions struggled with their decision, have the ONE abortion, and never have another one. Protection is not 100%, whether it's birth control pills, patches, shots, condoms, IUD's, foams, whatever....mistakes and accidents happen. No abortion should not be used as a form of birth control. No abortion should not take place in late term pregnancy, but those are already illegal in most cases (unless mother's life is at risk). But, no the choice should not be taken away from's a woman's right to decide what to do with her own body!

Edit: Imyomommafool: The morning after pill is most commonly used by women who are raped to prevent a pregnancy, and thus prevent the need for abortion. You're against both the pill and abortion? You wish the pill would mess up their insides so they could NEVER have kids? That's what women deserve after having been raped? To never be able to have kids with someone she loves, just because she doesn't want to have her rapists kid! Nice! You're a real symbol of womens rights and women sticking together for support. Suppose you think we should just shut up, stay in the kitchen, bare foot and pregnant, huh?

Edit: IMYOMOMMAFOOL - so because you HAD to have an abortion because of a fetal death you are the only one who suffers because of it? People who make that decision face the same thing when they see children who would have been the age of their child, it is hard for most any woman...physically and emotionally, and THAT is PRECISELY why I say the majority of women do NOT use abortion as a form of birth control!
Thats not the only reason people get abortions. I don't agree with it as a form of birth control, but don't assume that when people go to get an abortion that that is the reason. I also think that the morning after pill should be illegal. That is the most stupid thing for people to do, I wish that pill would mutate their insides so they can't get pregnant ever.


Whoever gave me a thumbs down. Get a life. I had to have an abortion b/c my unborn child died inside of me at 17 weeks. So people who take if for granted are idiots and cruel. Having an abortion is a horriable thing to go through, every time you see a child that is around the age ur child would have been you think about it. It sucks
some times it just happens. why do you go for it before marriage? now question of abortion.

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